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Here's a Great Article on Fever Dreme from October, 2015
Anti-James Bond is back
Easton author pens second George Dreme thriller
By Gregg Bartlett, HAN Network Staff on October 24, 2015 in Connecticut, Lead News, News
My real name is George Dreme. I kill people for money.
I wished I had taken a few bites of the General Tso. I was hungry.
That’s how the first chapter, One From Column A, of Fever Dreme by J.R. Stuck concludes, following much mayhem at The Purple Lotus.
The brief lines offer readers a glimpse of the tale’s one-two punch — a lethal and not-so-lovable CIA contract killer armed with sarcasm and wit — of the George Dreme series, which just got a sequel.
If you want to read on, you’ll have to access Amazon Kindle, which has now made Fever Dreme available, or go to, where the author has posted Chapter One of his new novel as well as the first chapter of the first book, Bad Dreme.
The author is a security industry veteran, Jay Stuck of Easton, who described his protagonist George Dreme as a “hypochondriac hit-man” in an email message he sent to The Courier last week.
“I’ve tried to create the anti-James Bond character,” Stuck said. “He’s smart and relatively sophisticated, but rather than killing super-villains in underwater mega-fortresses with a blonde on his arm, my character illustrates the unglamorous, unromantic side of killing. It’s a dirty, ugly business conducted by psychopaths and sociopaths, some of whom are actually very witty once you get past their vocation.”
Not all is daring or high adventure in the life of a hit man. Stuck noted that he also focuses on the mundane jobs, like surveillance. “I compare it to watching every minute of the State of the Union address,” he said.
Away from the keyboard, Stuck works for a Manhattan security company with retired law enforcement pros, so, as he has noted, his know-how that covers investigations, firearms and other lethal tools “comes from rubbing shoulders with his colleagues.” His experience in the security industry is reflected in his books.
This is especially so when his writing turns to the technology of cameras. “My character is very familiar with camera technology, as well as its limitations, and uses that to his advantage.”
Q&A with author
This week The Courier asked the author a few questions by email. Here are his responses.
What is it that you, as a writer, like about the character George Dreme and compelled or inspired you to continue with a sequel?
Stuck: As a first-time author, I wanted to craft a story that was readable and enjoyable, without being preachy. I also try to incorporate current events and technology in the stories — research about the topic is very important. I’ve always enjoyed mysteries and after 35 years of working, decided to write one.
As with most fictional characters, I believe that there’s a little of the author in the character. With me, perhaps it may the sense of humor and wry view on the world around me. Not the cold-blooded killing part!
How was your first book received?
Stuck: The reviews of the first book have been very encouraging — 4.5 stars on Amazon Kindle. My character is not exactly lovable, he’s a hit man after all, but there’s something about his personality that makes the reader want to root for him. One of the reviewers of the first book said he was astonished that somehow he wanted the hit man to succeed in his mission to kill someone.
How long have you lived in Easton?
Stuck: [My wife] Janet and I moved to Easton in June 2011. We love it here. The best of both worlds, I work in Manhattan and come back to the beautiful rural Easton lifestyle every day. Janet is one of the moderators for Easton elections.